This Parent Guides and Resources page contains basic tutorials, guides, and information for parents on privacy laws, digital citizenship, monitoring and managing devices at home, Chromebooks, Parent Square, and Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Welcome Families!
Parent/Guardian Resources |
Parental Guide: Social Media (English) |
Parental Guide: Video Games (English) |
Parental Guide: Social Media (Spanish) |
Parental Guide: Video Games (Spanish) |
Click to learn about upcoming events, resources and more!
Now Enrolling
Thank you for your interest in CUSD schools. Students love our clean and welcoming campuses and caring staff. Families love our free TK-8 childcare after school and during most school breaks! CUSD students also receive a Chromebook or similar device, and did we mention online tutoring, meals, and summer programs are free?
Please click School Enrollment Process to learn more and to begin the enrollment process for any grade level.
Do you have a child age 4 by June 2, 2024? CUSD offers full-day Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten programs! Click the buttons below to enroll now or call us at (209) 556-1540 to learn more.

Infinite Campus
Welcome to Infinite Campus. All parents must present ID at their child's school to access this system. You will then be provided a code known as an "access key". After you have an access key, please click on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal link at the left of this webpage.

Student Device Insurance Information
Ceres Unified School District is providing families optional device (tablets or Chromebooks) insurance protection. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
What's Happening

College Information

Report to the Community 2023
The CUSD Report to the Community for 2023 is now available!
Read it HERE.
After School Program Information and More
After School ASES
The CUSD Educational Options Department provides academic intervention and recreation programs to 2nd through 8th grade students during the after school program, commonly known as ASES and AIP. High school students are also provided classes after school to earn credits toward graduation through the Academic Extended Day Program and Ceres Adult School.
For more information on these programs and more, click here.
Promotion/Retention Criteria for Students
Parents can now review the criteria a student must meet to be promoted to the next grade, as well as the criteria required to retain a student in the same grade for the next year. Click here for more information.
Health-related Requirements and Resources
Please visit our Wellness & Family Resources page.
Special Education Needs
If you think your child has a disability or you need information on special education click here for more information from the Student Support Services Department.
CUSD Preschool
Click here for more information about Pre-School and Head Start programs in Ceres Unified.
Family Resources
Our Family Resource Center offers a variety of services and resources to assist with everyday needs. Please click CUSD Family Resource Center to find out more.
Parent Teacher Council or other Parent Volunteer Group
Are you interested in participating in your child's Parent Teacher Council? If so, visit your child's school site website or call the school's main office for more information.